Wednesday 4 July 2012

Road to Nowhere

So summer is here and once again I'm travelling the road to nowhere. It has become a sort of ritual these past few years. Fortunately, by the end of summer, a sign saying 'Work Here' pops up at some point and I travel that road for a while, filled with a short lived sense of purpose. Short lived because when summer approaches, I know I'll be back on that old familiar road again. And the way things have been going lately, this year there might not be any exit signs interrupting my stroll to Nowheresville...
Let me tell you, the landscape around this road is not inspiring and it gets bleaker and bleaker with each passing year. So I've decided to ignore the view as much as I can and replace it with nicer things. As far as I know, dreaming is still free, although I'm pretty sure someone will come up with a tax for that too someday... and probably for the air we breath. But while it's still free, I'll be doing it... and sharing it. Who knows? Maybe somebody else out there needs some dreams too.
By the way, here's an homage to that old familiar road...

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