Thursday 22 November 2012

Let's give thanks for...

Let's give thanks for... FOOD! Thank goodness for the things brought from America. Food would be very boring without them.

Here are somethings I learned from the Native American Encyclopedia:
'Native American food for many American Indian tribes consisted of many fruits and vegetables that they would grow, and also from deer and other animals that they would hunt. A few of the vegetables that were present among most Native American food are things like corn, squash, and beans, which are referred to as the three sisters.'
Apparently, the three sisters are maize, squash and beans and they were planted close together. The maize stalks would serve as support for the beans and the squash, which would spread along the ground around the other two, would prevent weeds from popping up. Together, these three would provide a balanced diet for Native Americans.

From the Woodland Indian Educational Program we learn:
I don't know about you, but I'm feeling a little hungry right about now....

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