Sunday 12 August 2012

Lovely Savannah

The movie is Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil, with John Cusack and Kevin Spacey. The book is by John Berendt. The location is Savannah, Georgia. The house is Mercer House, where Jim Williams DID live, and his assistant WAS killed, and where Jim Williams DID die, but NOT in the same spot as his assistant, as the story goes. Story also goes that it's haunted. I don't know...
I thought the house was lovely and it made take a closer look at this town. The historic district is packed full of lovely old houses, like these:
And lovely squares and gardens, like these:
And, if you're still stuck on the 'haunted' thing, there's Bonaventure Cemetery, which is also haunted:
The Bird Girl statue used to be there, but it gained a lot of popularity after being the cover of the book and it was since removed to the Telfair Museum of Art to avoid mishaps. But moving on...
Some years after seeing the movie, while searching for old houses on the net, I came across this old floor plan of a post American Civil War house that put me in mind of the Savannah houses. Here's the drawing:
Nothing in the drawing or the description of the house links it to Savannah in particular, it's just a fancy of mine. There were probably many similar houses throughout the South, but for some reason, I looked at that porch and thought 'Savannah'. It could be, just look at the pictures above.
Apparently, the house was built in 1868 for a mechanic with means, but it doesn't say where. I only assume it's in the South because it's called a Civil War Reconstruction Home (and the South did undergo a major reconstruction effort after the war) and it's part of this catalogue:
Inside, it would have looked like this:
And, of course, in my mind I immediatly started wondering how it would be like to live in it...

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